"The Hut" on TV
Margie, Pazia, and myself on the WJFW Channel 12 "weather deck." Visiting the studio was a lot of fun. The people at WJFW are very nice to say the least. The commercials are all ready to air and will be seen 30 times each week on Rhinelander's Channel 12. They can also be viewed here. :)
Last Summer, Channel 12 helped to put the new shop on the map by doing a very nice news story that let others know that the new shop was here in a way that I could never have done myself. I am still grateful for their time and their energy.
Recently Lauren from WJFW Channel 12 stopped by to do a follow-up story about the shop to help to announce the slight shift in the name change and to show the progress of the shop a year later. Words aren't enough to express my gratitude to everybody involved with helping to spread the word about "The Hut." The whole business is a labor of love, but it would not be possible with out the kindness and the energy from the nice people in my life. Grateful. :)